Award winning beauty product recommendations
Yourbeautyspot is here to give you a guide to the best beauty products available
Our collection spans more than 20 years of product intel
The products featured here are beauty award winners, and in many cases, repeat award winners
They have received praise and accolades over the years, as well as receiving the yourbeautyspot seal of approval. Most are what we deem beauty classics that have proven themselves to work time and time again with a significant number of people
There are some “newer” innovations in there which have already proven themselves to be effective but most have stood the test of a long time! What they all have in common is that they are recognized for their quality and results
If you decide to buy any of our recommendations you can be confident that you are investing your hard earned money wisely. You can be assured that what you buy does actually work, and isn’t just the newest, latest or the product of good marketing and social media buzz